
小保加是一位身材矮小但非常聪明机灵的小精灵,被善良的人类少年伊恩收养并成为了他的好朋友。小保加身穿一身绿色的衣服,头戴一顶红色的小帽子,手持一把小木棍,总是充满笑容和活力。他可以使用魔法来帮助伊恩解决各种问题,而且还十分勇敢,敢于面对困难和挑战。尽管体型小巧,但小保加拥有强大的魔法能力,可以让各种神奇的事情发生。他与伊恩之间的友谊牢不可破,时刻守护着伊恩,帮助他成长和学习如何成为一个更好的人。Smallbo is a very clever and clever little elf who is small in stature. He was adopted by the kind human boy Ian and became his good friend. Smallbo wears a green suit, wears a red hat, holds a small stick, always full of smiles and vitality. He can use magic to help Ian solve various problems, and he is also very brave and dare to face difficulties and challenges. Despite his small size, Smallbo has powerful magical abilities that can make magical things happen. The friendship between him and Ian is unbreakable, always guarding Ian, helping him grow and learn how to become a better person.